In Conversation With Olivia McCurdy-McGee from Sakara Life

Dash Hudson
3 min readOct 19, 2017

[Originally published on the Dash Hudson blog.]

Food porn that also happens to fuel your body? Welcome to the magical world of Sakara.

It’s a lifestyle.

They said it best: meals that give you all the good feels.

The food world is no stranger to fads. But some things go deeper than trendy moments and become entire movements. Exhibit A: the backslash against behemoth food corporations since lifting the veil of opacity has been nothing short of transformational for society. We’re living in an era where conscious consumerism is a rising philosophy, and where health and wellness is a top priority for most people under 50.

This shift in consumer behavior has undoubtedly been accelerated by social media’s own ascension, having facilitated the connection of communities, the shareability of new findings, and the discovery of uncharted concepts. But while marketing on social wasn’t really a thing when Sakara Life was founded, it was sure conducive to the company’s photogenic products and compelling story once it became common practice. The Sakara diet and lifestyle makes for pure Insta candy.

The organic meal delivery service came into the world at a time where people were starting to ask all of the important questions about what healthy food really meant. There had been rumblings of why organic was a preferable choice in the grocery isles, but the answers were still blurry. Meanwhile, Sakara was able to spread its message of wellbeing and educate audiences on how to nourish their bodies thanks to a killer visual storytelling strategy. Beautiful, purposeful, innovative, and really smart.

We have Olivia McCurdy-McGee, marketing expert extraordinaire, to thank for the brand’s sublime Instagram state. One glance at Sakara’s gallery reveals a thoughtful and trendy lifestyle pertaining to a specific food philosophy that resonates with this generation. The social media guru nails every single visual feast delivered on the ‘Gram. In true DH form, we weren’t feeling satiated, as we always want to learn more about the person who’s got such a handle on social media optimization.

We asked Olivia to answer some of our most burning questions, and she kindly obliged. Find out below what her favorite part of the job is (it’s #goals, you’ll see), what she likes most about Instagram, and how her bucket list and biggest vice are intricately related (hint: 🇫🇷🍷).

Name and Occupation:

Olivia McCurdy-McGee, Marketing Manager at Sakara Life

1. What was your college major, and why did you choose it?

I majored in Communication. I chose it because I’ve always been interested in advertising and the psychology behind it; how can a label or a commercial incite action within us? While I was studying advertising and marketing in college, social media shifted from a form of entertainment to a business tool, and I became obsessed with studying that evolution and what it looked like against and alongside traditional communication.

2. Favorite part of the job?

Playing with food all day!

3. Favorite social media platform and why?

Instagram but more specifically Instagram Stories. I love getting to know people and seeing a messier side of the platform.

4. What makes a great Instagram post for Sakara Life?

Visually, it’s a photo of food that evokes an emotion. My current goal is to make our photos more relatable and make people think: “I want to be eating that right now!” Personally, I love a post that delivers strong engagement.

5. Who are your role models in the food industry?

Ah, tough one. I became obsessed with Niki Nakayama after watching her episode of Chef’s Table.

6. What is your Instagram guilty pleasure?

Scoping out restaurant location tags to see what the food and interior look like before I go there.

7. Three things you can’t live without?

In the world?! Aside from people…my phone, candles, and french fries.

8. What’s on your travel bucket list?

I want to explore every inch of France.

9. Biggest vice? (be honest)

Red Wine.

10. Where can we find you on a Friday night?

In a cozy wine bar in LES with my girlfriends, or in a face mask on my couch…scrolling through Instagram ;)

You know what to do now: head over to Sakara Life’s Instagram account and make that blue button white.

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Dash Hudson

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